with Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki
April 29, 30, and May 1, 2016
at the
Philadelphia Hilton, City Ave
Presented by
New Seed Sanctuary
Donation: $195 (tax deductible)
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© 2015 D. Ashcroft-Nowicki
With more and more people turning towards a personal spiritual philosophy, schools offering safe and reliable training are in great demand. But there are areas where postal services are irregular and people live in very isolated locations. In such cases there is little chance to study and share their search for knowledge with like-minded people. For them the only way is the Path of the Solitary Seeker.
There is no doubt this is a hard path, but with determination and dedication it can be done with the aid of a study course designed with isolation in mind. Initiation is even more difficult and there are books that offer ways in which a Self Initiation can be achieved. However, such a method is not and never will be the ideal way. For an Initiation to be fully experienced there has to be a “Moment of passing the Power” the “Turning of the Key” in the mind of the student that opens the door to what lies beyond. All that Self-Initiation can do is increase the psychic awareness of the student to a degree where they can work with reasonable efficiency , and which, if the chance for a genuine Initiation comes they will be ready and open to its power.
I realise this is not what people in such circumstances want to believe, and there are some who will argue against it. But to study alone needs self discipline of a high calibre and it is all too easy to make mistakes when there is s no one to turn to for advice on how to get out of a psychic situation that has gone wrong. On the other hand solitary study can create, if followed properly, a Seeker of great power and intensity of purpose. This will almost certainly bring the opportunity of a Full initiation in time.
Such study requires tenacity, will power, and personal effort on a truly awesome scale. The Solitary will either become discouraged, or, if successful could become a True Hermit Mage, the rarest of all Adepts . Much depends on the type of Person you are, and the type of magician you aim to become.
This workshop gives an outline on how this kind of work might be attempted, though it is emphasised that this is NOT strictly a study course. It gives an outline of what needs to be studied, how to study, and the basis of ritual work and above all the importance of bringing the Four Selves Physical, Astral, Mental and Spiritual together, without this, magic can be dangerous.
There will be a group ceremony Saturday evening.
Please bring your robes, preferably black.